approve of перевод

Автор Андрей задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика

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Ответ от убью за Ким Ир СЕна[гуру]
1 to accept
2 going
3 to reach
4 opening
5 leaving
6 to return
7 to accept
8 to be
9 to finish
10 to leave
11 driving
12 knowing
13 to returning
Источник: учиться надо

Ответ от Виктория Мартынова[активный] accept
2.going reach
5.leaving return accept be finish leave
11.driving know

Ответ от Владимир Мутель[гуру]
на мой взгляд всё правильно, кроме:
11 to drive
12 to know

Ответ от Катя Белая[мастер]
The teacher decided to accept the paper.
2 His father doesn’t approve of his going to Europe.
3 We found it very difficult to reach a decision.
4 Donna is interested in opening a bar.
5 George has no intention of leaving the city now.
6 We are eager (to return to school in the fall.
7 She refused (to accept the gift.
8 Mary pretended (to be sick yesterday.
9 Carlos hopes (to finish his thesis this year.
10 They agreed (to leave early.
11 Herry shouldn’t risk driving) so fast.
12 He demands (to know what is going on.
13 She is looking forward (to returning) to her country.
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Ответ от 22 ответа[гуру]
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