answer the questions

Автор Ѝльчин Гусейнов задал вопрос в разделе Домашние задания

Answer the questions. и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Lizzy[гуру]
1. Are there any elderly people in your block of flats? - Yes, there are some elderly people. 2. Do they need any help? - I think sometimes they need help. 3. Who helps them? - Their children help them. 4. What lesson can we learn from elderly people? - We should respect them.

Ответ от Sergey[гуру]
1. Живут ли в вашем доме пожилые люди?2. Им нужна помощь?3. Кто помогает им?4. Какой урок мы можем узнать от пожилых людей (т. е. чему мы можем у них научиться)

Ответ от Ольга Третьюхина[новичек]
1. Are there any elderly people in your block of flats? - Yes, there are some elderly people. 2. Do they need any help? - I think sometimes they need help. 3. Who helps them? - Their children help them. 4. What lesson can we lea

Ответ от 22 ответа[гуру]
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