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Автор Катя Лисовец задал вопрос в разделе Домашние задания

Помогите срочно надо описание внешности известного актёра или певицы на английском языке!!! и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Никита Чугайнов[гуру]
Майкл Джексон
Jackson's skin had been a medium-brown color for the entire duration of his youth, but starting in the mid-1980s, it gradually grew paler. The change gained widespread media coverage, including rumors that he might be bleaching his skin. According to J. Randy Taraborrelli's biography, in 1986, Jackson was diagnosed with vitiligo and lupus; the vitiligo partially lightened his skin, and the lupus was in remission; both illnesses made him sensitive to sunlight. The treatments he used for his condition further lightened his skin tone, and, with the application of pancake makeup to even out blotches, he could appear very pale. Jackson was also diagnosed with vitiligo in his autopsy. By the mid-1990s several surgeons speculated that he had undergone various nasal surgeries, a forehead lift, thinned lips, and cheekbone surgery—although Jackson denied this and insisted that he only had surgery on his nose. Jackson claimed that he had only two rhinoplasties and no other surgery on his face, although at one point he mentioned having a dimple created in his chin. Jackson lost weight in the early 1980s because of a change in diet and a desire for "a dancer's body". Witnesses reported that he was often dizzy and speculated that he was suffering from anorexia nervosa; periods of weight loss would become a recurring problem later in life.
Источник: Википедия

Ответ от Александра Мануйленко[новичек]
Описание внешности актрисы Николь Кидман Nicole Kidman is a remarkable Australian and American actress, who starred in several dozen famous films. Nicole has won an Academy Award, three Golden Globes and a lot of other awards for her outstanding a

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