after william had read four detective stories

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Ответ от Елена Хлопенко[гуру]
1) Artur Conan Doyle WAS (to be) a doctor who BECAME (to become) famous for his detective stories.
2)Pete IS PACKING (to pack) his suitcase now. He IS LEAVING (to leave) for Moscow tonight.
3) The children WERE NOT ALLOWED (not to allow) to watch the cartoons. They were not suitable for their age.
4) I WROTE (to write) to me parents a fortnight ago, but I HAVEN'T GOT(not to get) a reply yet.
5) I HAVE SEEN (to see) this film several times. I first SAW (to see) it three years ago.
6) I often READ (to read) detective stories. I AM READING (to read) a very interesting one now.
7) I can't go out because I HAVEN'T FINISHED (not to finish) my work. I WILL JOIN (to join) you as soon as I AM (to be) through with it.
Елена Хлопенко
Пожалуйста. 🙂

Ответ от DOMINO[гуру]
1) was, became
2) is packing, is leaving
3) weren't allowed
4) wrote, haven't got
5) have seen, saw
6) read, am reading
7) haven't finished, 'll join, am

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