complete the sentences

Автор МИСС СМИТ задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика

Complete the sentences? и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Alfred Clovelly[гуру]
1. If i go to some distant place for my holiday ill go by a plane
2. If my flight is delayed, I will get upset
3. If am late for my flight, it will be embarrassing.
4. If I want to get a seat in non-smoking area, I will ask for it
5. If I don’t know how to fill in the declaration form, I will ask for help
6. If I have jewellery or antique things with me, I will take them in my hand luggage
7. If I can’t find my luggage at the baggage reclaim, I will ask for assistance
8. If my luggage is lost, I will be really distressed.
9. If I can’t find the person who is meeting me at the airport, I will phone him.
10. If I don’t know how to get to the place I’m going to stay, I will take taxi.
***If you don’t give me “best answer”, I will never help you again. Understood?

Ответ от Валерия Янкина[новичек]
A) Ann became a vegetarian because she loves animals..
b) She told her parents about her boyfriend.
c) She eats so much foods.
d) She feels that being a vegetarian is not strange.

Ответ от 22 ответа[гуру]
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