10 профессий на английском

Автор KvintRocket&SeriuS задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика

Помогите плз составить 10 предложений на англ. языке с 10 словами профессий. (manager, electrician, doctor и т.д) и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Greg Gregory[активный]
а набрать в гуглах эти слова и посмотреть предложения с ними - это выше всякого разумения !!!
что касается лично тебя, то тебе нужен мененджер, чтоб электрик подключил электрический стул, да так чтоб ниодин доктор невылечил

Ответ от яна Симакова[мастер]
When I ll graduate from my university I am going to be a designer.
To be a doctor is very impotent and difficult profession.
My father told me when he was a young boy he wanted to be an electrician.
In my opinion to be a manager you need to have a really good skill in organizing you time properly.
If you want to be a driver you just need to get a driving lessons.
My grand father is builder and he is really enjoying his work.
nu tut 6 bolshe professi pridumat' nesmogla=))

Ответ от Sky[мастер]
My dad works as a doctor at the hospital and helps other people every day.
My dream is to become a fashion designer.
I'm thankful that there is a people,who works as a veterinarians,because they help to keep anymals healthy.
One of the most dangerous jobs is to be a fireman.
An interesting fact :A guy,who created an electric chair,use to be a dantist.
Pictures,made by famous artist cost a lot of money.
It's many talanted singers in the world,but only few of them become famouse.
I would like to meet my favorit actriss and ask her for the autograph.
Very soon, sciencists will find the way to help people who is sick with cancer.
Some russian writers like Tolstoy or Dostoevsky, known in foreign countries too.

Ответ от 22 ответа[гуру]
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